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The Interreg North-West Europe funded project, De-Carb Pro, held its 3rd project partner meeting in Essen, Germany, on 25th September 2024.

The meeting focused on developing a common strategy, building capacity, developing plans and presentations. First results, occurred challenges and possible solutions to overcome them, were also top of the agenda.

Ralf Kampe, SEEA DeCarb-Pro Coordinator, and Michael Doran, SEEA EU-Project Manager, met with the DeCarb-Pro Partner consortium to discuss, and took part in workshops regarding the different necessary actions outlined in the project.

The first day witnessed the development of a joint strategy for implementing carbon pricing in public procurement, determination of the needs and demands of the relevant local authorities and stakeholders’ involvement, and the joint communication strategy. Also discussed were the development of the different Carbon Pricing Testing Pilots, updating and news, learnings from best practice of forerunner pilots in Amsterdam and Paris, dealing with occurring challenges, solution finding and monitoring in the participating NWE-Europe regions (Germany, Netherlands, France and Ireland).

Day one ended with a visit to the Folkwang Museum on the invitation of the Director of Essen’s Green Capital Agency, Kai Lipsius, and the DeCarb-Pro host for the partner meeting. The Director of the Museum, Peter Gorschlüter, explained how the City, Essen, conducted an energy retrofit of the building ensemble to reduce the operational GHG emissions, elaborating on the concept of the museum and some of its exhibition pieces.

The second day focused on the draft training framework, planning for tailored training action for different needs and how to approach different types of stakeholders. The communications strategy was highlighted and feedback for the Monitoring Framework was collected.

The DeCarb-Pro Project Lead Manager, Margo Meeuwissen, from Klimatverbond NL, concluded on what was worked on for the two days, what was achieved so far and where work needs to be continued to achieve the overall project objective of reducing CO2 emissions by implementing carbon pricing into public procurement.

Project Aim

DeCarb-Pro aims at reducing CO2 emissions from procurement by local authorities.

Pricing Approach Principle

By using Carbon Pricing in procurements, Local Authorities demand from the supply chain to compete for products and services with lowest emissions for the lowest price and effectively reduce the related emissions.