RegEnergy aims to break up existing structures for increasing the use of renewable energy in NWE regions. Creating renewable energy demand–supply partnerships between urbanised and surrounding rural territories will lead to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 9 project partners from 7 NWE countries, representing metropolitan regions, cities, rural communities, regional agencies, scientific institutions and renewable energy producers will develop strategies and models to illustrate how such partnerships can be built. In three strategic areas the missing regional links between demand and supply from renewables will be addressed: The institutional and administrative framework conditions (e.g. cooperation agreements) as well as the main infrastructure (e.g. biogas pipelines) that such partnerships require are as central as the question of required technologies (e.g. smart grids, storage capacities).
Watch here an interview with Ormonde Upgrading representative Michael Murphy, and South East Energy Agency energy engineer Colin Simpson.
Ormonde Upgrading are a bioenergy plant based in Killowen, Co. Waterford. They are partnered with South East Energy Agency on the Interreg NWE RegEnergy project. Ormonde Upgrading will supply the biogas that will be used in the biogas boilers that South East Energy Agency intends to install as part of this project.