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EU Projects

South East Energy Agency are proud to be involved in major EU projects and have demonstrated success in accessing EU Funding Programmes that relate to the energy field and support key aspects of improved energy efficiency.

South East Energy Agency Participation in
European Programmes

South East Energy Agency has had demonstrable success in accessing EU Funding Programmes that relate to the energy field and support key aspects of improved energy efficiency. We have developed the technical capacity to engage with major EU Programmes and to localise these in a way that is beneficial to all stakeholders at a local level.

At both EU and State level it is likely that an increased focus on energy generation, usage and climate change will result in a raft of new or improved initiatives designed to strengthen mechanisms for addressing the identified challenges. There is clear opportunity for South East Energy Agency to continue to access such supports and localise these into the future to benefit the local region.


EXPRESS is an Interreg Europe-funded project focused on increasing the share of renewable energy and the self-sufficiency of European regions. The EXPRESS project will meet its objectives through interregional learning on good practices that can be incorporated into regional policy instruments to speed up the green transition to locally produced renewable energy.



SCEPA gathers and enhances existing effective energy poverty approaches in order to be able to upscale initiatives. Stakeholders in the project learn from each other and share their best practices to develop a Joint Action Strategy (JAS). The JAS will provide nuanced details of what works for specific target groups in specific residential areas in NWE. The JAS will be used for the development of Local Action Plans for the partner regions and cities.



EUPeers aims to support the development of Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS) which are part of the enabling framework breaking down barriers to renovation. The overall objective of EU Peers is to support the development of IHRS as key instruments to accelerating residential energy renovation in the EU.



REGIO1ST raises awareness about the Energy Efficiency First principle (EE1st) among regional governments and their agencies and supports them to make related decisions in their planning. It does so through the provision of appropriate guidance to regional authorities to embed the EE1st principle in their decisions and in the implementation of their energy plans departing from six participant regions and expanding to over 100 regions in the EU.


DeCarb Pro

DeCarb-Pro aims at reducing CO2 emissions from procurement by local authorities (LAs). Public procurement has a key impact on CO2 emissions in NWE, 15% or 230 million tons CO (2020) are emitted mostly in the responsibility of LAs. Without decarbonising procurement, NWE-wide LAs are likely to miss the EU reduction goals 2030 and their needed contribution to the ambitions of the EU Green Deal. The most decisive reductions can be realised with procurement related to infrastructure, construction and energy.


EUCF European City Facility

DESIGNED BY CITIES FOR CITIES. Set up under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation of the European Union. Successful applicants to the EUCF will use the lump sum to develop their investment concepts, which represents an initial step towards a fully-fledged business and financial plan. The ultimate objective is to build a substantial pipeline of sustainable energy investment projects across local authorities and local public entities in Europe.


Energy Poverty

An estimated 34 million people in the European Union are experiencing energy poverty. This means their energy bills consume a large proportion of their income or when they are forced to take energy reducing measures to lower their usage. The Energy Poverty Advisory Hub has been set up to assist Local Authorities in their mission to reduce Energy Poverty in European homes.

EPAH’s mission is to be the central platform of energy poverty expertise in Europe for local authorities and all stakeholders interested in taking action to combat energy poverty


Housing 4.0 Energy – Affordable Housing Through Digitisation

South East Energy Agency are actively working in collaboration with the 3 partner Local Authorities on an NWE Interreg project called Housing 4.0 – Affordable and Sustainable housing through digitisation to tackle the housing crisis and rapid climate change. The project will introduce a shift in the form of modern and innovative construction techniques, technologies, materials and processes used for building new homes.


CAN SME – Climate Active Neighbourhoods SME

The Climate Active Neighbourhoods project (CAN) focuses on underprivileged neighbourhoods that require renovation in municipalities and regions of varying sizes throughout northwest Europe. To build relevant capacity in these participating local authorities, neighbourhood approaches and synergies based on new governance models will be introduced. CAN SME will build on the efforts of CAN to begin working with SMEs.


STEPS – Storage Of Energy & Power Systems In NWE

To accelerate innovation in medium-scale energy storage, STEPS is planning to bring25 new storage products & solutions to a pre-commercial level. STEPS will drive down the time energy storage SMEs typically spend on technology demonstration before reaching market maturity from an average of 5 years to 1-2, while maintaining maximum commercial usability.


RegEnergy – Renewable Energy Regions

Climate Alliance together with 8 project partners aim to connect the renewable energy demand of cities with the renewable energy production potential of their surrounding areas.



The regional energy observatory,, is collating energy consumption from domestic and commercial buildings. The energy data is monitoring performance and associated carbon dioxide emissions for the provision of space heating, ventilation, water heating and lighting under standardized operating conditions. This data is collected with a bottom-up approach. Local authority energy usage data is collected on an annual basis for all the council activities for the purpose of monitoring the implementation of the National Energy Action Plan.


Data4Action – Collaborating in Energy Data Exchange

Collaborating in Energy Data Exchange. Data4Action aims to mobilise energy data providers and public authorities in eleven European countries to design and demonstrate strong outcome driven partnerships based on setting up win-win data exchange collaboration models that support the successful implementation and monitoring of Sustainable Energy Action Plans.


Streetlight EPC – Streetlight Energy Performance Contracting Facilitation Services

South East Energy Agency were regional partners and local coordinators on the Intelligent Energy Europe Streetlight EPC project. Along with our city partner Kilkenny County Council, South East Energy Agency implemented a pilot pilot project replacing 1,300 street lights with LED lights in 2017. The energy saving potential is enormous with annual savings of 745,00kWh.


South East Energy Agency Innovative And Reliable

We are Innovative
and Committed

At South East Energy Agency, we enjoy innovating and removing barriers and seek to share our innovations widely. We can be trusted to deliver ongoing services reliably to high standards and to be open, honest and accountable for our results. By working across the Region, we can pilot innovations and ensure learning is spread. At this scale, we can access funding for our beneficiaries across all energy sectors and achieve economies of scale that wouldn’t be available at a local level.

Being an Intermediary Body, South East Energy Agency sits between local energy users, producers (citizens, businesses and local authorities), funders and policy makers (local, regional, national and European authorities).

By working from this in between position, South East Energy Agency is uniquely well-placed to accelerate the region’s energy transition, helping local energy users and producers to get the best from the system and helping the system to hear the feedback it needs to hear from the local level.

South East Energy Agency has been to the forefront of these challenges over many years driving innovative, community-based responses and providing independent, expert and trusted support to all the diverse people and organisations that we work with.

South East Energy Agency’s Energy Transition
Strategy 2020-2030

South East Energy Agency is supporting investment in the low carbon economy, through people, businesses and communities, delivering economic growth. We will also be focussing on improving awareness through exchanging knowledge, providing training and education, and building capacity to create a sustainable energy region.

We recognise that current and future developments will offer great opportunities and will allow our communities to harness a range of benefits into the future. Working together, we will create sustainable, green jobs, more sustainable food production options, deepen our energy security, improve the quality of our lives and make our working and built environments healthier.

Our success in reaching 2030 targets will depend on how we (and others) work together to deliver energy efficiency, clean energy, behaviour change and ultimately greater sustainability – this is what the Regional Energy Transition Strategy to 2030 seeks to address.

We are delighted to have launched our Energy Transition Strategy to 2030 – a strategy that helps map the path we are going to have to follow together. It represents a substantial step forward for South East Energy Agency and helps assure a positive, sustainable future for the Region.

Download the Strategy document

This is what 2030 in the region will look like.

2030 Strategy Document


“We are proud and privileged to work with the trusted team of energy engineers and experts at the South East Energy Agency and help highlight the invaluable work they do in providing the best possible energy-saving and sustainable solutions for local authorities, communities, business, home owners and more.”

McSweeney Media – Neans McSweeney

“FEDARENE is proud to count South East Energy Agency as one of its members. It has allowed for a continuous and productive exchange on energy best practices both at the local and European level, and we look forward to continuing this good cooperation.”

Fedarene – Melissa Miklos

“We value the considerable work that the South East Energy Agency is doing across the four counties – Kilkenny Carlow, Wexford, and Waterford developing strategies and implementing projects in the energy sector which have involved reducing energy consumption, embracing renewable energy and improving energy efficiency. We look forward to continuing this collaboration into the future.”

IrBEA – Teresa O’Brien

“We have always valued the expertise and knowledge that successive staff and board members of the South East Energy Agency have provided towards the advancement of the rational use of energy in the region and further abroad. The South East Energy Agency team combines serious technical ability with an ability to work with a diverse set of community, business and agency stakeholders.”

Kilkenny LEADER Partnership (KLP) – Declan Rice

“LEETHERM are proud to have worked with the South East Energy Agency on numerous SEAI programmes, such as the Better Energy Community (BEC) and Deep Retrofit pilot Scheme. Their knowledge and expertise in sustainable construction techniques, and project management services have assisted LEETHERM in consistently delivering bespoke sustainable projects throughout the south east region and beyond.”


Case Studies

Case Studies South East Energy Agency Ireland

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Events & Workshops

Workshops And Events South East Energy Agency

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South East Energy Agency are a proud member of

Waterford Chambers South East Energy Agency

European Biogas Association Member South East Energy Agency

Kilkenny Chambers South East Energy Agency

Irish Solar Energy Council Member South East Energy Agency

County Wexford Chambers South East Energy Agency

Irish Green Building Council Member South East Energy Agency

Irish Energy Storage Association Member South East Energy Agency

Meitheal Na Gaoithe South East Energy Agency

County Carlow Chambers South East Energy Agency

Climate Aliance Member South East Energy Agency

Untitled Design

Irish Bioenergy Association Member South East Energy Agency