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Environmental Policy

Waste Management Policy

In keeping with our environmental policy, South East Energy Agency is committed to reducing waste by all possible means available in so far as practical. To this end, we strive towards the latest waste management infrastructure regarding waste management systems on-site and towards a paperless environment within our offices in so far as reasonably practicable. All energy and material inputs, subsequent activities and project/ operations management activities are carefully analysed to ensure we can reduce waste, recycle, and reuse much of that which is produced from our activities.

South East Energy Agency waste management focuses on the three Rs of Reducing, Re-using and Recycling waste. We acknowledge the following statutory obligations placed upon us by national and EU legislation/ regulations and are firmly committed to achieving a high operational and management standard above that which is legally required wherever possible or practical. The following is the desired hierarchy of waste management, starting with the most desirable option.

• Prevent waste in the first place by not producing it if possible
• If it cannot be avoided, try to minimize the volume produced
• Re-use waste materials to as great an extent as possible
• Recycle materials where feasible
• Recover energy from waste
• Disposal – the least preferred.

South East Energy Agency works closely with our suppliers and community stakeholders in trying to achieve the best possible solution to waste elimination. South East Energy Agency ensure that for each property undergoing energy upgrade works at least 70% (by weight) of the non-hazardous construction and demolition waste generated on site, is prepared for reuse, recycling and other material recovery as per Directive 2008/98/EC and in accordance with the waste hierarchy and the EU Construction and Demolition Waste Management Protocol. South East Energy Agency will prepare a resource management plan for the retrofit works according to the best practice guidelines from the EPA

Sustainable Procurement Policy

It is the policy of South East Energy Agency to identify and manage the environmental, social and economic impacts within our supply chain.
We are committed to:
• Setting objectives and action plans in support of this policy, and pursuing continuous improvement of our practices
• Prioritizing suppliers who have embedded sustainable and ethical practices within their organisation and who drive such practices within their own supply chain
• Identifying areas of higher risk and influence within our supply chain and engaging with suppliers in those areas
• Complying with the letter and spirit of all applicable legislation
Through supplier selection and direct engagement, we will favour suppliers that actively:
• Reduce their environmental footprint through:
– Conservation of resources, including the use of energy, water and materials
– Waste minimisation, both within their operations and through reduction of packaging
– Reducing the impact of deliveries and maximising local sourcing
• Ensure that products and services provided consider efficiency, sustainability and green procurement:
– Ensuring that suppliers use Triple E Products Register when procuring equipment
– Use products and technologies which meet the Ecodesign regulations for home energy upgrades
• Deliver benefits to society through:
– Complying with International Labour Organization (ILO) principles in respect to human rights and conditions of employment
• Drive economic growth through:
– Supporting job creation and facilitating opportunities for small-and-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and social businesses
This policy will be reviewed on a regular basis to evaluate continued relevance, monitor compliance and drive continual improvement.