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Ireland’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) 2019 focuses on reducing emissions in agriculture. In 2017 it was reported that agriculture is the largest contributor to Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), accounting for over 33% of the total national emissions.

The Agri sector particularly the beef sector is facing challenging times. With an increasing number of regulations and directives, resource management and energy management will be key to maintaining or reducing farm operating costs. It is estimated that the average cost of electricity per litre of milk is €0.49, cost of electricity per head of pig is €5.40/year and €12.3/tonne to dry grain.

How can GHG emissions be reduced in farming?

  • Reduce fossil fuel use e.g. diesel for agricultural machinery
  • Improve efficiency and reduce dependence on grid electricity
  • Install on site generation such as solar PV
  • Utilise the potential of bioenergy from both biomass and biogas
  • Slurry management and use of waste streams
  • Establish energy coops and become prosumers

How can South East Energy Agency help?

South East Energy Agency has extensive, award-winning experience and expertise in supporting applicants through the SEAI Communities Energy Grant pipeline.

Family farms will enjoy decreased energy spend, reduced running costs with reduced carbon emissions for years to come.

The South East Energy Agency team can project manage the entire works for you – from initial application to final sign-off. Get in contact and include a short description of the project you have in mind.

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Agricultural Case Studies

O’shea Farms Design Installation And Commissioning Of A 250kw Solar Photovoltaic Installation For Cold Storage On Site
O’Shea Farms
J&m Dairies Installation Of Pv Panels South East Energy Agency
J & M Dairies