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Why apply for SEAI Lighting Support Scheme?

  • Are you an SME, employing less than 250 people?
  • Want to upgrade to energy efficient lighting or Switching to LED lighting?

Lighting Support Scheme is a government-backed Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) initiative designed for small and medium-sized enterprises to reduce their business maintenance & running costs by implementing lighting upgrades.

According to SEAI, lighting is a significant cost for many SMEs, and is the second highest cost for many businesses after staff costs. 

This new SME lighting grant scheme will support your business in upgrading your lighting and can reduce your lighting electricity costs by up to 90%.

Qualifying applications are grant-aided to the tune of 30% to 35%, depending on your personal circumstances and eligibility. More detailed information about the programme and Terms & Conditions available on SEAI website here.

What is covered?

The standard level of support available:

  • 30% of eligible approved cost for a standard replacement upgrade in a single facility or grouped application.
  • 35% of eligible approved costs where the application comprises a grouped application and includes smart metering. It should also involve a simple photometric design or analysis, delivering the optimum lighting solution, in terms of lighting and controls upgrades.

Technologies covered include

  • New energy efficient light products which are on the Triple E register
  • Lighting controls


How can 3CEA help?

3CEA already has 7 years’ experience in SEAI grant project coordination. We can project manage the entire process for clients:

• 3CEA will support your business through the grant application and project implementation.
• Projects must be for a whole building or facility.
• Please note no grant is guaranteed – it is a competitive process and depends on the strength of the single or group application.
• If not already completed by third party, a initial lighting audit fee applies (min €200 with max depending on scale).
• A Project Management fee applies for successful projects at 7.5% of Cap Ex. 


Deadline for paperwork to be with 3CEA office is 14th June 2018.

Your lighting project must be fully completed and a claim for payment submitted by the  14th September 2018.

Get in contact:

More information: call 3CEA office on 056 7790 856 or email or fill in expression of interest form :

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