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Participate in the EUCF Irish Workshop on June, 22nd 2020, and unlock financing for your sustainable energy plans!

The European City Facility (EUCF) identifies municipalities and local authorities as the driving force behind a sustainable energy transition. The EUCF is designed by cities for cities and is set up under Horizon 2020. The initiative involves financial support of 60,000 euro for local authorities to develop investment concepts relating to their climate and energy action plans. A lump sum will be received by successful applicants to develop their investment concepts, while the EUCF plan to encourage sustainable energy projects in local authorities across Europe.

A webinar will be held to introduce the EUCF project to Irish local authorities. In the Irish context, Tipperary Energy Agency are Ireland’s Country Expert while 3cea are the national communication network. Together, we have organised a webinar to introduce the project with specific emphasis on the application process. Siona Daly of Tipperary Energy Agency will host the webinar this coming Monday. The webinar will begin at 2:30pm and will involve a presentation on the EUCF initiative with a Q&A session to conclude.

EUCF Webinar for Irish Local Authorities | Online Event
Online Event: European City Facility EUCF Irish Webinar
Description: The EUCF Country Expert Siona Daly of Tipperary Energy Agency will host a Webinar explaining the application process for Irish Municipalities and Local Authorities.
Date: Monday, 22nd June 2020
Time and Duration: 2.30pm-3.30pm
Link to register:
On the Agenda:
-Welcome Address
-Introduction: What is the EUCF ?
-Guidance for applicants: How to apply to the EUCF calls?
-Support for beneficiaries: Support available from the EUCF
-Q&A and Close
Speaker Profile: Siona Daly, Deputy CEO of Tipperary Energy Agency, is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer and a Certified Energy Manager. Her main areas of expertise are in Local Authority and Public Sector Energy Management, Energy Services Business Development and Operational Management of the Non Residential team. Siona has extensive experience in energy engineering in particular in projects related to HVAC, Automation, Building Management Systems, Mechanical Services Projects, Lighting projects and Energy Performance Contracting in North America and Ireland. Siona is also a Registered Energy Auditor with SEAI.