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We wish to welcome Johanna Varghese as an Advisory Board Member in Ireland. Johanna is an architect, urban planner and a Programme Manager at the Irish Green Building Council (IGBC). She has managed many EU projects including EU H2020 Turnkey Retrofit on creating an easy and reliable customer journey for home retrofit, Smarter Finance for Families and Smarter Finance for EU Life on green homes and green finance.

Before joining the IGBC, Johanna was a Project Architect for mixed-use developments, and Spatial Urban Planner on green infrastructure strategies for Dublin City Council local area plans. Other European projects she has worked on include IN-PREP disaster training preparedness platform, TURAS urban resilience and sustainability and ESPON COMPASS “Examining the impact of EU cohesion policies aiming to reduce regional and social disparities with examples of policy impacts in Ireland” in Europa XXI, 2018 EU Journal.

Our communications team reached out to her to ask her opinion on what can be done to improve home renovation:

‘Think big. Decide on which areas need it most. Scale up operations by using heatmaps, GIS, aggregation, building renovation passports and qualified impartial advisors to ensure quality assurance. Also, design the process for a delightful customer journey. Listen to this presentation at this link [timestamp: 51:25], presenting the Irish experience for Renovate Europe Campaign event ‘One-Stop-Shops: Maximising their potential to accelerate energy renovation platforms’’.

Johanna Varghese, EU PEERS Advisory Board Member

We look forward to her invaluable contributions to EU Peers.