- Carlow, Kilkenny and Wexford County Councils are 30.8% more energy efficient than in 2009
- The three counties avoided 22,700 tonnes of CO2 emissions in the decade 2009-2019
The recently published Annual Report on Public Sector Energy Efficiency Performance covering 2019 shows that the public sector was 29% more energy efficient and on course to achieve its 33% energy efficiency target in 2020, up from 27% the previous year. This is the third year of improved performance in a row, following the introduction of the Public Sector Energy Efficiency Strategy in 2017. The 2019 Climate Action Plan has increased the level of ambition for the public sector for the period up to 2030 by establishing two new complementary targets, a 50% improvement in energy efficiency and a 50% reduction in CO2 emissions.
Carlow, Kilkenny and Wexford County Councils have committed to effective energy management to making energy savings and playing their part in meeting the public sector energy efficiency targets by 2030. Local Authorities in Ireland Account for 11% of the total public sector energy consumption.
Since 2010, all local authorities have been required to report on their energy usage and actions taken to reduce consumption. Public lighting, transport and running of public service buildings continue to account for the Local Authority energy use.
Kilkenny County Council Energy Efficiency Upgrades
In Kilkenny, Public Lighting is the single biggest user of energy in the overall Council’s energy usage. Over the past number of years, Kilkenny Council has introduced LED lighting in a number of new and replacement public lighting projects. The upgrades to the remainder of the lights will be completed in 2022 under the Public Lighting Energy Efficiency Project (PLEEP).
Kilkenny County Council has installed multiple energy upgrades in several of its council facilities to improve energy ratings. Typical works which were carried out included wall and roof insulation, boiler replacement, lighting upgrade together with the installation of solar PV panels. Overall, Kilkenny County Council generated €32,000 in energy savings.
Kilkenny County Council Achievements |
• Achieved a 33.9% Energy Efficiency Target. As a result, has reached the 2020 target for energy efficiency. |
• € 250,000 worth of energy efficient upgrades completed in 2019 under the Better Energy Communities scheme. |
• Generated €32,000 in energy savings in 2019 as part of the Better Energy Communities Programme. |
• Delivered 28 energy saving projects between 2009-2020. |
• Kilkenny County Council improved its energy performance in 2019 by improving its energy management practices and by investing into public lighting and upgrading its facilities. 10% savings were achieved in public lighting. |
• Kilkenny County Council has achieved ISO 50001 Energy Management System certification in March 2021. |
• Committed to Climate Change – County Development plans and Adaptation Strategies |
• Participating in a number of EU energy saving projects – a join initiatives between 3 Counties Energy Agency and Kilkenny County Council – Housing 4.0 Energy – affordable and sustainable nZEB housing approach, STEPS & Reg Energy. |
• Climate Alliance signatory in 2020. |
Carlow County Council Energy Efficiency Upgrades
In Carlow, the Council completed a solar PV project across 3 public buildings which is now saving € 5,800 per annum. Other notable projects include heat pump installation in a municipal district office, high efficiency boiler and upgrade works done across other council buildings including LED lighting and heating controls. Many on these projects received financial support from SEAI.
In 2019, Carlow County Council was selected as one of 12 Champions in Ireland for the UN Sustainable Development Goals to increase knowledge, raise awareness and take action for sustainable development in the region. The Council teamed up with the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) to help promote the SDGs at Carlow Institute of Technology, along with the Students’ Union.
Carlow County Council Achievements |
• Achieved a 30.9% Energy Efficiency Target. |
• € 132,000 worth of energy efficient upgrades were completed in 2019 under the Better Energy Communities scheme. |
• Generated €20,000 in energy savings in 2019 as part of the Better Energy Communities Programme. |
• Delivered 14 energy saving projects between 2009-2020. |
• Carlow County Council improved its energy performance in 2019 by investing into public lighting LED upgrade. |
• 4 % savings were achieved in public lighting. |
• Committed to Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Development. |
• Participating in a number of EU energy saving projects – a join initiatives between 3 Counties Energy Agency and Kilkenny County Council – Housing 4.0 Energy – affordable and sustainable nZEB housing approach, STEPS. |
• Committed to Climate Change – County Development plans and Adaptation Strategies. |
• Climate Alliance signatory in 2020. |
Wexford County Council Energy Efficiency Upgrades
By mid 2021 Wexford County Council aims to have upgraded over 97% of the 15,000 public lights throughout the County to LED fittings resulting in significant energy and maintenance cots savings.
Wexford County Council has focussed on delivering energy efficiency projects within the Council’s services and through retrofitting several of its facilities such as County Halls, District Offices, Libraries, Machinery Yards and more. In 2017, deep energy retrofit upgrade works were carried out in 12 x 1-bedroom bungalows in College View to improve BER ratings to an A rating.
Wexford County Council currently has 4 electric vans and 3 forklifts within the current fleet. As vehicles are replaced the suitability of an electric option is taken into consideration. The council has an EV working group that meets on a monthly basis.
Wexford County Council Achievements |
• Achieved a 28.7% Energy Efficiency Target. |
• € 39,000 worth of energy efficient upgrades were completed in 2019 under the Better Energy Communities scheme. |
• Generated €6,500 in energy savings in 2019 as part of the Better Energy Communities Programme. |
• Delivered 17 energy saving projects between 2009-2020. |
• Wexford County Council improved its energy performance in 2019 by investing into public lighting LED upgrade projects. |
• 18% savings were achieved in public lighting. |
• Participating in a number of EU energy saving projects – a join initiatives between 3 Counties Energy Agency and Kilkenny County Council – Housing 4.0 Energy – affordable and sustainable nZEB housing approach, STEPS & Regenergy. |
• Committed to Climate Change – County Development plans and Adaptation Strategies. |
• Climate Alliance signatory in 2020. |
• Wexford County Council has achieved ISO 50001 Energy Management System certification in March 2021. |
Future plans for Kilkenny, Carlow and Wexford include the implementation of their Sustainable Energy & Climate Action Plan (SECAP) with a view to achieving energy performance targets and looking towards achieving & exceeding the EU 2030 targets. Kilkenny and Carlow County Council’s have signed the Covenant of Mayors to give effect to this commitment. This has been achieved by a continuous effort to reduce energy demand, use of clean energy, investment in renewable energy and development of an energy management system which reduces energy consumption and carbon footprint.
With the support of dedicated energy experts from 3 Counties Energy Agency, all three County Councils are on track to meet the National Public Sector Energy Efficiency targets which means that energy consumption must be reduced by 33% by 2020 and by 50% by 2030 and CO2 emissions from the sector must be reduced by 30%.
Energy efficiency continues to be a national imperative with a crucial role to play in Ireland meeting its national and international energy and climate goals and objectives. Over the past decade, over 59 sustainable energy projects have been implemented across the three counties. The three Councils have retrofitted low energy and LED public lighting, undertaken extensive deep retrofits of social housing units, leisure centres and public offices, upgraded mechanical and electrical systems, installed biomass boilers and PV panels on public buildings, upgraded heating system to a more efficient technology in libraries and offices, retrofitted a number of social housing units and upgraded energy efficiency controls and more.
There’s a huge challenge ahead and this can only be achieved by taking leadership, continuous investment and effective energy management in pushing forward sustainable development, energy efficient projects and initiatives. This will deliver better value for money and better services for citizens.
View the SEAI Public Sector report here.
Overview of ISO50001 Certification
ISO 50001:2018 international standard for Energy Management providing the most robust framework for optimising energy efficiency in public and private sector organizations. ISO 50001 certification demonstrates that Kilkenny and Wexford CoCo is taking a systematic and logical approach in its commitment to continually improvement energy management.
Benefits of ISO 50001:
- Helps identify where & how energy is being used
- Reduces carbon emissions
- Eliminates energy waste
- Reduce operating costs
- Raises staff awareness
- Ensures adherence to legislation