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Residential Case Study

Energy Efficiency Retrofit for Voluntary & Local Authority Housing

Case Study & Review of the housing applications over the years 2013 – 2015

Project Overview

Project owner:

3 Bedroom semi detached, with large living, dining & kitchen Area.

Pre BER Cert:


Post BER Cert:


Installed Measures:

Air to Water Heat Pump
Zonal Heating Controls
Attic Insulation 300mm
Full fill Cavity Insulation
Full Window Replacement
External Door Replacement
New solid fuel stove
Low energy lighting
Magna Clean for Heating system

Tendered cost Per Property:


SEAI Grant @ 64%:


Sale of Energy Credits:


Final Cost per property:

€2,624 (84% Grant Aided)

South East Energy Agency have worked closely with both Carlow & Kilkenny Local Authorities and a number of housing organisations such as Respond, Tinteán & Brothers of Charity. South East Energy Agency have worked hard to develop award winning housing retrofit projects which have positively affected over 650 homeowners and tenant’s with improved living conditions and most importantly a reduction in their yearly energy bills (2013-2015).

South East Energy Agency successfully applied for funding under the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) Better Energy Communities (BEC) Scheme, where grant funding of up to 80% was provided for housing retrofits. From 2013 to 2015, over €8.2 million was invested into the housing retrofit projects with over €5.5 million through SEAI funding and an additional €0.98 million from the sale of energy credits to the various energy providers.

From 2013-2015, over 3,600 different energy efficiency measures were completed over 650 different homes.

This averages out to 5.5 measures per property, meaning that properties were given a full suite of measures bringing them up to date with the current building standards. Some of the measures and the number of completed properties can be seen below.

Attic Insulation

Attic Insulation


Wall Insulation

Cavity Wall Insulation


Boiler Replacement

Full Boiler Replacement


Zonal Heating Controls

Zonal Heating Controls


New Window & Door

New Window & Door


New Solid Fuel Stove

New Solid fuel Stove


Low Energy Lighting

Low Energy Lighting


Heat Pumps

Heat Pumps

