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Community Case Study

SOS Kilkenny – Heating and Lighting Upgrade SOS Kilkenny

Project Overview

Company name: SOS Kilkenny

Project actions:

Installation of two high efficiency heating devices. Retrofit old light quad with LED equivalent fittings

Finance source:


Additional funding:

SEAI BEC 2017 programme

% funding:


Grant amount:


Total project cost:


25-year savings:


Simple payback time:

8.38 years

SOS Kilkenny is a complex of 6 buildings located in Callan Road, Kilkenny. South East Energy Agency team linked up with SOS Kilkenny which provides service for adults with intellectual disabilities to shave over €3,300 off its heating and lighting bills through a series of upgrades. We were delighted to help SOS Kilkenny to save energy, reduce their spend on heating and lighting and improve working and living conditions for all.

South East Energy Agency have a long and proud association with SOS Kilkenny. In 2016, SOS replaced the outdated storage heating system in four of the day care buildings with a district heating system Piped radiators now supply heat throughout each of the 2,000 m2 buildings. Roof and cavity wall insulation was also upgraded as part of the works, reducing heating demand. Overall savings are in the region of 17,700 kWh and over €9,000 per year.

In 2018, SOS replaced all of the internal and external lighting with LED and connected the remaining two day care building to the gas network, contributing to more savings. All of the energy efficiency projects were supported through SEAI Better Energy Community (BEC) Programme, whereby SOS were able to avail of grant aid.


  • Thanks to the heating and lighting upgrades, SOS Kilkenny saved money and reduced its carbon footprint through the BEC 2017 Programme.
  • The heating upgrades have helped increase the thermal comfort of the building for its users and reduced the number of hours the heating is required.
  • The lighting upgrade has resulted in a much better quality of light by using the newest technology LED lamps. The decrease in wattage has led to much lower electricity bills.
Low Energy Lighting
Annual Energy Savings

17,631 kWh

Hgv Fuel Effeciency Funding South East Energy Agency Ireland
Annual Savings


Reduced Carbon Emissions South East Energy Agency
Annual C02 Savings

9.7 tonnes

IMPORTS BEFORE PROJECT 498,188 kWh €60,053.28 181.5 tonnes
IMPORTS AFTER PROJECT 480,557 kWh €56,684.49 171.8 tonnes
SAVINGS 17,631 kWh €3,368.79 9.7 tonnes